Latest News

Recently two of the Elders from St. Andrew’s were fortunate enough to attend a two day ‘Lay Preachers and Worship Leaders Conference‘ at Wydale Hall (between Brompton and Snainton, so not far to travel). The sun shone, the guest speaker was really interesting, the fellowship was great, the food was lovely and we also had time to enjoy the beautiful grounds and gardens. What’s not to like!

Anyone interested in going to this event next year, reserve 25th-27th July 2025 in your diary. It’s well worth it.  There are many other courses to attend at Wydale so keep an eye on their website for up to date information.


Would you like to sponsor a preacher?
Each time we have a visiting preacher in our pulpit there is a fee and travelling expenses to be accounted for. At present this can total around £60 per occasion. Some take nothing, some take the fee, others take both. It is their choice. And it never begrudged! There has been a suggestion by one of our congregation that people could ‘sponsor a service’. Perhaps to commemorate a special occasion, or in memory of someone special. If you are interested in this please have a word with Chris Stevens.

There will be a Messy Church Planning Meeting on Tuesday 27th August at 7pm at Sue’s. This is in preparation for the Harvest Messy Church on Saturday 28th September. We’d love more people to be involved!

Grateful thanks to B Bernard & Sons Funeral Directors, for organising and running a Spring Fayre at St. Andrew’s Church last month. The total raised was £275 which has been donated to church funds.

If you are not already contributing regularly to St. Andrew’s Church funds by means of a weekly or monthly bank standing order, and would like to do so, please contact the church treasurer Chris Stevens, who will explain the procedure.

If you are a taxpayer, Gift Aid is a painless means of increasing the value of your giving, and at no additional cost to yourself. By Gift Aiding your giving, the church will receive a further 25p from HM Revenue and Customs for each £1 given, e.g. give £10 and it becomes £12.50. Last year the Church received an extra £2983 back from HMRC through the Gift Aid scheme. If you would like to Gift Aid your giving, please ask Jean Glover for a Gift Aid declaration form. All that will be needed from you is your name, address and signature. Thank you.

Mustard Seed: For People with Special Needs
Mustard Seed meets monthly, usually on the third Saturday of each month (except July and August), from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm. The meetings include lunch, songs, occasional dramas, jokes, quizzes and a Bible story. There is lots of laughter and all are welcome. Some of our members are with carers, others come on their own. Our team of helpers are all Safeguarding trained. There is a charge of £2 per meeting, which includes lunch and drinks. For further information please see Anthony, or get in touch via email. Meeting dates for 2023 are:

February 18th
March 18th
April 15th
May 20th
June 17th
September 16th
October 21st
November 18th
December 16th

In recent discussions with Synod, the Elders have been advised that the Synod Pastoral Committee has stipulated that any future minister‘s time will be split 4 ways: 25% to each of the churches in the Pastorate, with the remaining 25% spent working directly for Synod. If any member has any questions they would like to raise on this issue, then this can be addressed at our forthcoming Church Meeting on 25th February.

Whilst we are worshipping in the hall, please remember the donations of packets and tins for the Rainbow Centre. Thank you.

“A while back I asked if anyone was interested in starting the Afternoon Fellowship meetings again, but I only got one reply. I suggested we have the meetings between April and June, so we don’t have to heat the room. Though formerly the meetings were on alternate Wednesdays, perhaps we should choose another day so that we don’t clash with the coffee mornings. All ideas would be welcome, but if there are insufficient numbers interested, I’ll just forget the whole thing and concentrate on the Heritage Chapel re-vamp. Replies please by the end of November.”
– Regards, Tricia

The Celebration Choir is made up of folk from different churches. We meet at Emmanuel St. John Methodist Church on Tuesdays at 7 pm. We are just starting our Christmas repertoire and would love some new singers to come and join us. If you can sing in 4-part harmony do come along and give us a try.”
– Ruth Dale

The bags collection raised £28 for church funds. Thanks to all who contributed.

Wednesday mornings, 10:00 – 12:00 am: As well as the usual coffee, cake and chat you may not be aware that we also have a crafting table. Join in with creating something different, or bring your own knitting or sewing to enjoy. Different crafts on offer every month.